Welcome to Plumbers and Pipefitters Training Center



Office Staff




About Us

The Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program was established to educate the next generation of plumbers and pipefitters. Formed in 1953, our program was created in a cooperative effort by the Union and Contractors Association to provide quality education with the highest standard of curriculum. To this day, our program is committed to preparing individuals for the industry. Our program operates under well-defined laws and regulations to protect apprentices and support their success. 

American and Oklahoma flags

Business Hours

M-Th: 8am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 3pm


5315 S. Shartel
Oklahoma City, OK 73109



P (405) 632-5629
F (405) 632-5628

Upcoming Events

awards case

Upcoming Events:

Apprenticeship Applicants

Please come to the Training Center with the required documents to apply.

Journeyman Certification Courses


Mechanical and Plumbing Continuing Education Courses
Please call the Training Center at (405)632-5629 or email [email protected] to reserve your space today.
Correspondence Notification
Please ensure your address is current with the Training Center (405-632-5629). We send all correspondence via mail (Medical Gas and Welder Continuity, Journeyman Class Letters, and any other correspondence).
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Pools of Eligibles

Plumber Pool of Eligibles

Pipefitter Pool of Eligibles

man enters the building